Open Call for Application
School of Sociology BNU
I 活动目的
为增进国内外高校优秀大学生对我校社会学、人类学、民俗学、社会工作、社会管理与社会政策及其相关学科的了解与认识,吸引一批有志于从事学术研究和专业工作的国内外优秀大学生前来我校求学深造,北京师范大学社会学院将于2018年6月25-6月28日举办 “优秀大学生国际学术研修夏令营”。
What? -——2018 Summer Academy is a 4-day academic activity, it aims to make a platform for Chinese students and International students to communicate among discipline of sociology, anthropology, folklore, and social work as well as motivate the participants to apply for our master degree program.
II 活动时间与内容安排/ Timetable
Time Schedule |
Activity |
June 25 |
Registration |
June 26 |
Morning: 1.Opening Ceremony, 2.Orientation 3.Visit BNU |
Afternoon: Workshop: Part I |
June 27 |
Morning: Workshop:Part II |
Afternoon: Workshop:Part II |
June 28 |
Morning: Workshop:Part III |
Afternoon: 1.Closing & Awards Ceremony 2.Leaving |
※Workshop Topics:
※ Workshop topics will be about "Social Development and Environmental Problems", "Culture and culture communication", "Rural Society and the Post Rural Society", "Ritual and Reconstruction of Social Morality” and "Evidence-Based Social Work and Chinese Local Practice ".
※Above-mentioned activities are arranged provisionally, specific arrangements may be appropriate to adjust.
III 申请资格/Applicants Eligibility
(1)国内学生申请资格/If you are Chinese
A 国内全日制三年级本科生(即2019年应届毕业生);
B 学习成绩优秀,专业排名前30%以内;
C 英语水平良好,已通过全国大学生英语六级考试;
D Workshop涉及的主题任选其一,围绕该主题提交一篇工作坊论文。
(2)外国学生申请资格/If you are foreigner
A Studying in China or abroad
B Excellent academic performance
C Proficiency in Chinese
IV 申请流程
A 申请表;
B 个人简历;
C 个人陈述及两封专家推荐信(副教授以上职称);
D 成绩单及专业成绩排名证明(由学校教务部门盖章);
E 国家四、六级英语考试或TOEFL、IELTS、GRE/GMAT、TestDaF、DELE等体现自身外语水平的成绩证明;
F 体现自身素质的其它证明材料;
G 除满足以上报名条件外,申请者需在提交报名表的同时提交一篇不少于5000字的工作坊论文,题目在五个讨论主题中自选,可加副标题。营员以论文申请入营并将在工作坊上发言,工作坊论文将作为考察营员学术能力的重要指标。论文以word文档形式提交,随以上材料一并发送至邮箱。
申请者在社会学院网站下载夏令营《报名表》并连同上述材料的扫描件及电子版打包压缩通过E-mail发至邮件主题: 2018SA- 姓名 - 学校 )。不需邮寄纸质材料,报到当天携带即可。
Application Process
1) Deadline for application: June 10, 2018
2) Required materials
A. Application form;
B. Curriculum Vitae and 2 references;
C. Personal Statement;
D.Workshop Abstract;
Undergraduate Transcripts;
E. Chinese Proficiency Certificate;
F. Other materials you’d like to provide.
3) How to Apply?
The Application Form can be downloaded from the website of School of Sociology, please fill in the form and scan all the materials referred above and send them to (The subject of the email should be named as 2018SA- Name- School). Paper materials need to be carried when registered.
4) Admission
Acceptance notification will be announced in June 20th to our website ( without any further notice.
V 活动要求与费用
Requirements and Costs
All the participants are required to attend the entire activities and accommodations will be provided. Excellent ones will get a proportion of financial support for transportation expenses.
VI 联系方式/Contact
联系电话:010-58804061/ Tel: +86 010 58804061
联系老师: 王珂/Sec: Ke Wang